=========================================================== ag_crossfire4 by: twitch ============================================================ Completion Date: 11 Mar 2017 (Updated 1 Dec for brighter lighting) Map Name: ag_crossfire4.bsp Author: twitch Author email: levelediting@gmail.com ============================================================ LEVEL DESCRIPTION: This is a remake of my map ag_crossfire which was obviously a remake of valves map crossfire. Crossfire remakes have been done more times than I can count but for good reason. Crossfire is an awesome map. My version, ag_crossfire became very popular with the competitive players of HL. This version was made to address the boring textures and minor errors from the previous version. Some minor adjustments to the layout were made and the back area by the bunker is not as big as the original. Single Player: No Co-Op: No Deathmatch: Yes Suggested Players: 6-14 New Textures: Yes New Sounds: Yes New Sprites: No New Models: No ============================================================ CONSTRUCTION: 1 week build time editor used: J.A.C.K (JackHammer) utilities used: VHLT, Irfanview, Photoshop, Wally known bugs: None Secrets: Yes ============================================================ Install in steam/steamapps/common/half-life/valve_downloads ========================== Credits: -Moonshine! Ideas, beta testing, and motivating me to make changes. -Valve for the original crossfire map -vluzacn for VHLT -------------------------------- Textures by: Some by Twitch but most of the textures in this map are from the nightwatch set -Andrew Weldon for the Nightwatch textures. Best texture set for golsrc in my opinion! -Moonshine surréalisme - style picture ag_crossfire I used some pictures, a sprite, and possibly one or two textures I found on the internet a while back. I have no way to reference the original authors because the site where I downloaded them at is no longer available.